
Smoking during Pregnancy

Smoking when pregnant puts both you and your unborn child at risk for health issues. Passive smoking has the potential to injure both you and your unborn child. According to Australian surveys, approximately 10% of pregnant women smoked in 2016. Smoking while pregnant puts you at risk for a variety of issues, including miscarriage and premature labour, and you're twice more likely to give birth to a low-birth-weight baby than a mother who doesn't smoke. Low birth weight babies are more likely to die and are more prone to illness, respiratory problems, and long-term health issues as adults. The more cigarettes you smoke during your pregnancy, the more likely you are to have complications and a baby with a low birth weight. There is no strong evidence, however, that reducing the amount or strength of cigarettes you smoke decreases the risks to the foetus. Stopping smoking as soon as possible is a much healthier choice for your and your baby's wellbeing.


Pritha Jain

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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