Editorial on Preventive Healthcare and Preventive Medicine

Umme Rumana

Published Date: 2020-05-05

Umme Rumana*

Department of Cardiology, The Cardiometabolic Research Institute, Houston, TX 77054 USA

Corresponding Author:
Umme Rumana
Department of Cardiology, The Cardiometabolic Research Institute
Houston, TX 77054 USA

Received date: April 17, 2020; Accepted date: May 01, 2020; Published date: May 03, 2020

Citation: Rumana U (2020) Editorial on Preventive Healthcare and Preventive Medicine. J Prev Med Vol. 5 Iss No. 2: e01

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The esteem and impact factor of the Journal of Preventive Medicine are evidenced by the fact that it is the one of the most highly cited journals in the field of Medicine, particularly focusing on Intermittent Preventive Treatment, Food and Drug Administration, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Preventive Healthcare, and Preventive Chemotherapy. This journal publishes original, scholarly manuscripts on the science and practice of disease prevention, health promotion, and public health policymaking but seeks to broaden our understanding and perspective on these topics by including a wider selection of geographic and population-specific studies. Acknowledging the significant knowledge gained and the opportunity to steward this journal, this editorial focuses on recognizing the efforts of key people, reflecting on the journal’s accomplishments and challenges, and passing on any potential insights gained in the journey. This editorial aims to (1) recognize the key people who have and continue to support the journal, (2) provide an outline of the state of the journal, and (3) highlight some potential insights gained in 2019, to help advance marketing strategy research. In pursuing these objectives, I also seek to emphasize the journal’s motive, achieved through the considerable efforts of authors and editorial team members. Any progress that this journal has made would not have been possible without the excellent efforts taken by the distinguished group of Editors-in-Chief Richard Kones and also all the eminent editorial board members.

In 2019, we held a Conference on Preventive Medicine & Public Health with the preliminary focus being correct management strategies mitigated toward Public Health and dedicated to an array of topics as follows: Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Healthcare and Primary Care, Occupational Health and Safety, Preventive Medicine and Geriatrics, Preventive Medicine and Dentistry, Preventive Medicine and Cardiology, Nursing and Primary Healthcare. These efforts primarily sought to expand our research scope to include substantive or managerially impactful papers from different domains.

The Journal of Preventive Medicine has covered major topics on and will focus on the topics such as Neonatal, Paediatric and Family Medicine, Meta-analysis of the Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratio in Acute Stroke, and Novel Corona-virus Transmission and Prevention.

Another key point I would like to discuss herein is the ability to build networks of social media followers that has helped foster communication and collaboration between scientists regardless of their geographical location.

Apart from the broad social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, this is also possible through more specialized platforms that cater to smaller collaborating groups, some of which are focused at the workplace, for instance, Slack. The digital revolution has indeed provided alternative routes to disseminating scientific discoveries and keeping up-to–date with the literature. Readers who use this journal are welcome to use @JPrevMed3. I would hereby thank all the reviewers and editors for their unending contributions. We are currently facing a chronic disease crisis around the world, which has largely been brought about by preventable risk factors. I hope in the months to come we endeavour towards publishing prospective guidelines and preventive strategies for developing a protective healthcare system and also focus on optimally prolonging the health span.

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