Primary and Secondary Skin Cancer Prevention

Vilchez Wu *

Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, United States

*Corresponding Author:
Vilchez Wu
Department of Biomolecular Engineering,
Tulane University, New Orleans,
United States,

Received date: November 04, 2022, Manuscript No. IPJPM-23-15626; Editor assigned date: November 07, 2022, PreQC No IPJPM-23-15626 (PQ); Reviewed date: November 17, 2022, QC No. IPJPM-23-15626; Revised date: November 29, 2022, Manuscript No. IPJPM-23-15626 (R); Published date: December 05, 2022, DOI: 10.36648/2572-5483.7.12.177

Citation: Wu V (2022) Primary and Secondary Skin Cancer Prevention. J Prev Med Vol. 7 No.12:177

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Despite the implementation of numerous preventive campaigns and programs, the number of skin cancer deaths continues to rise. The evaluation of ten-year-old reviews of primary and secondary skin cancer prevention strategies was the goal of this systematic review. 63 systematic reviews and metaanalyses were examined by us: 35 (55.6%) focused on secondary interventions, while 30 (46.6%) focused on primary interventions. Both were the subject of two reviews. Education programs accounted for 63.3 percent of primary prevention strategies reported, followed by risk modeling to identify individuals at high risk for melanoma (17.6 percent) and sunscreen use promotion (11.8 percent). Imaging systems for early skin cancer detection accounted for 40% of secondary prevention measures reported, followed by smartphones and emerging technologies (22.9%) and population-based screening visual diagnosis (17.4%). Primary prevention education programs to encourage better sun protection habits were the most successful measures. Skin cancer can be avoided by limiting one's exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) and avoiding sunburn, particularly early in one's life. According to the Rural Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) code classification, people who live in urban and rural areas have different skin cancer risks. This is likely due to different patterns of outdoor activities and preventative behaviors that people use when they are outside. However, very few studies have looked at how adults and children's outdoor activities differ in rural and urban populations. The adults and children (n=97dyads) in this study compared outdoor activities, sun protection strategies, tanning behaviors, and sunburn occurrence in rural and urban Western United States settings. In both groups, the correlations between sunburn occurrence and outdoor activities were investigated. Barnard's Exact Test and logistic generalized estimating equations models were utilized in the analyses.

Prevention of Skin Cancer

Outdoor activities, tan-taking habits, and sun protection strategies varied between rural and urban residents. While children in rural areas were more likely to wear long pants and skirts, people in urban areas were more likely to report using various forms of sun protection, such as shade and sunscreen.Farm work, yard work, and youth sports were more prevalent in rural communities than in urban ones. Additionally, gender differences in these outcomes were discovered. For rural and urban families, the prevention of skin cancer could be tailored to include sun protection methods for outdoor activities and situations where sunburns are likely. Skin Cancer (SC), which is on the rise, is a global health concern. The prevalence of adverse effects and resistance mechanisms has compelled the search for novel therapeutic options. In addition, additional preventive measures ought to be implemented to enhance prevention and lessen the rising number of new SC cases. The role of the p53 tumor suppressor protein in melanoma and non-melanoma skin carcinogenesis is discussed in this review, as is the therapeutic potential of p53-targeting SC drugs. In point of fact, a number of evidences are provided demonstrating the encouraging outcomes that were achieved in SC when p53-activating drugs were used alone or in conjunction with the therapies that are currently available. Targeting p53 mutations as molecular signatures in the early stages of photo carcinogenesis in future SC preventive strategies is another pertinent viewpoint.

In general, this review provides a critical and timely discussion of relevant SC prevention and treatment issues. Importantly, it paves the way for future research that could improve the clinical translation of p53-activating agents, making them viable new options for SC therapy and prevention in precision medicine. Small, double-stranded DNA viruses with no envelope are known as Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs). There are now over 200 HPV subtypes that can be broken down into five main genera. The fifty or so subtypes of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that primarily infect the skin are known as HPVs. Despite the fact that genital lesions and mucosal cancers are primarily caused by -HPVs, there is a growing body of evidence linking -HPVs to the development of cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas. The development of a vaccine against HPVs has emerged as a significant area of research due to this association; however, licensed vaccines only cover genital HPVs, ignoring HPV infections and the skin cancers that go along with them. We present a summary of the most recent developments in the development of the HPV vaccine in this review; including developments in preclinical testing and a lack of clinical data. In addition, we go over brand-new findings regarding the viral path mechanisms that are involved in -HPV cutaneous tumorigenesis.

Possible Vaccine

These findings may have a significant impact on the creation of new vaccines in the future. We hope that combining the data and developments that have been made in the field of HPV vaccine development will not only result in increased commitment to vaccine development but also raise public and clinical awareness of a possible vaccine. Skin cancer affects nearly 450,000 Australians annually, according to estimates. More than 95% of skin cancers in Australia are caused by UV (ultraviolet) radiation from sunlight. As a result, UV radiation reduction is the primary goal of skin cancer prevention programs. Since the Sun Smart program was established in 1988, there have been improvements in sun protection behaviors and decreases in sunburn and melanoma incidence rates among younger people in Victoria. Climate change, on the other hand, has the potential to undermine these accomplishments. First, the amount of total ozone in the stratosphere affects surface UVB radiation. International restrictions on the production of ozone-depleting substances have had an impact, but progress has not yet brought ozone back to levels seen before the 1970s. At some latitudes, interactions between ozone depletion and climate change may impede the ozone layer's recovery and exacerbate UV radiation increases. Prior to recovery, it is anticipated that the majority of Australian regions will continue to experience elevated UV radiation levels, resulting in an increased risk of skin cancer. Indeed, surface UV radiation in Australia has increased since the 1970s, according to recent data. Second, Australia's mean temperatures have gone up over the past 30 years and are expected to go up even more by 2030. According to data from Australia, adults spend more time outside in warmer weather, are less likely to cover up, and are more likely to get sunburned.

As a consequence of this, it is reasonable to anticipate that rising temperatures will raise the risk of skin cancer, sunburn, and thus sun exposure. Pediatricians' counseling and clinical practices to reduce skin cancer risk among their patients are poorly understood. As a result, our goals were to determine the characteristics of pediatricians' skin cancer prevention counseling and clinical practices and the relationships between these practices. A mail-in survey assessed the recommendations of general pediatricians in Harris County, Texas, regarding sun protection, skin cancer prevention counseling, and clinical practices. Correlates were evaluated for the pediatrician, patient, and medical practice variables. Sunscreen was routinely recommended by 76% of pediatricians; however, only 24% of respondents suggested reapplying it after prolonged exposure to the elements. About half of them recommended wearing protective clothing (53 percent), seeking shade (47 percent), or avoiding the midday sun. Even fewer pediatricians routinely took a patient's family history of skin cancer into account, distributed sunscreen samples, provided educational materials, or documented risk factors in a patient's chart. More than half of respondents stated that they routinely conducted full-body skin examinations at least once a year and during the first visit (65%). In this sample, personal sun protection practices, perceived barriers, and perceived relevance of skin cancer prevention were significant factors associated with professional practices. To reduce patients' risk of skin cancer, interventions are required to improve pediatricians' counseling and clinical practices.

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