Wear a Mask, Practice Social Distancing after Being Vaccinated for COVID-19

Janne Srujani

Janne Srujani*

Department of Biosciences, Osmania University, India

Corresponding Author:
Janne Srujani
Department of Biosciences
Osmania University, India
E-mail: srujanijanne9@gmail.com

Received Date: February 07, 2021; Accepted Date: February 22, 2021; Published Date: February 28, 2021

Citation: Srujani J. Wear a Mask, Practice Social Distancing after Being Vaccinated for COVID-19. J Prev Med Vol. 6 Iss No.2: 78. doi:10.36648/2572-5483.6.2.78

Copyright: © 2021 Srujani J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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There is a risk of over-dependence on innate immunity. As scientists arrange to perceive India’s slippery Covid case count, consultants have additionally cautioned of virus spikes ahead given the presence of mutant and "more transmissible strain." until currently eighty two persons are detected with new Great Britain strain in Bharat. The covid vaccination in conjunction with public health measures would definitely be a safer possibility than betting on assumed herd immunity from natural infections. According to faculty member Reddy, as way as herd immunity is bothered, we have a tendency to still don't understand what fraction of our population has been infected in numerous elements of the country, it's impossible that the complete country has reached the herd immunity threshold. Unless every individual is immune, we have a tendency to not say that herd immunity has fully taken care of the matter, as a non-immune person remains inclined once he or she visits Associate in nursing other cluster that has an actively current virus.


Innate immunity, Herd Immunity, Transmission, Post-vaccination


Speaking on the danger related to innate immunity, the general public health skilled explained, “If you are exposed to a large infective agent load from someone else, it will still overwhelm and overcome your immunity. Doctors and nurses operating in hospitals do get sick notwithstanding they're young as a result of they'd have non inheritable some immunity however once large infective agent load enters into their body by the terribly sick patient or multiple patients their body might not be ready to overcome that." Risk of transmission post-vaccination is still unclear. The Covid-19 vaccines square measure injected deep into the muscles that then stimulate the system to supply antibodies. Whereas an efficient immunizing agent can forestall against obtaining a severe malady, we have a tendency to still don't acumen it affects the danger of virus transmission. Within the case of metabolism infections just like the new coronavirus, the nose becomes the most ports of entry wherever the virus apace multiplies, which suggests an immunized person will still get the infection and infect others while not obtaining sick [1].

As we have a tendency to still don't understand the period of the natural or immunity and the way effective that immunity goes to be at a high level of viral-load exposure, following all preventative measures as before are going to be essential going forward. India is gears up to inject its population of 130 crores individuals against the novel coronavirus. The vaccinations would be conducted in a very phased manner and priority teams are shaped supported vulnerability and essentialness of services [2].

The government has already proclaimed that the primary in line are going to be the three large integer staff United Nations agency were at the forefront of India’s battle against the Covid-19. The third priority cluster within the 1st part are going to be consisting of some twenty seven large integer persons on top of age fifty, and persons below age fifty, however with associated comorbidities.

“We square measure getting in stages as a result of the most purpose of the immunizing agent is to stop malady, not the infection, the those who square measure most essential from services purpose of read and most vulnerable (elderly and with comorbidities) are going to be those prioritized. Medical experts’ square measure inclined thanks to continual infection and will impact essential services which can get affected or break down. This is often why each vulnerability and essentialness criteria square measure applied. And once that's complete, vaccination will begin for the final population.

Despite vaccination wanting just like the solely immediate hope, propulsion off what would be the largest immunization drive may well be a frightening task thanks to the large variety of the population and will take several months. It is very certain to get more information about how this vaccine impacts on asymptomatic transmission, it is still necessary to wear the mask because, even though we may be protected from severe infection, or even getting symptomatic COVID-19 infection, it is unpredictable if people may pick up the virus and transmit it to others [3].

The mask is protecting you, as even the best of these vaccines is about 90%-95% effective, which means, you might still have a 1 in10 or 1 in 20 chance of being exposed and getting the disease (COVID19). It is concerning part, which is related to these new mutant variants and other variants still to come. The vaccine might protect you against death, but maybe your protection against disease ends up being about 50-60%, which is half of the chances. Looking at this, we still have to wear masks to prevent disease, and prevent the spread of those new evolving variants, which could then mutate further causing even more infections. As the vaccines don’t work perfectly, and it’s also not known yet to what extent they prevent infection, it’s possible that a vaccinated person might get the virus and be able to pass it on to others around them.

It is quite uncertain to predict if you can still spread the virus after getting vaccinated. Even if you’re immune to the disease, there are chances that you might still be able to carry the virus and spread it to people around you. At present scientists are also not knowing it completely whether getting a vaccine is enough to stop or slow transmission, though research is underway to answer that question. Until we know more, it must be assumed there’s still a risk of spreading the virus and take precautions. There are chances for the immunity to decrease over time. As the vaccines are so new, we are not certain how long they will protect against COVID-19.

The protection given by vaccines can decrease over time. This is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people get certain booster shots, such as a tetanus and diphtheria booster every 10 years, in order to regularly renew your immunity [4].

According to the Health Ministry, 2 doses of immunizing agent, twenty eight days apart, got to be taken by a personal to finish the vaccination schedule. Protecting levels of antibodies square measure usually developed fortnight when receiving the ordinal dose of COVID-19 immunizing agent.


As the trial progresses, the effectualness levels of vaccines may additionally amendment. Also, at an honest effectualness rate of seventy.42 per cent, regarding thirty per cent of the insusceptible individuals square measure still at the danger of obtaining the infection. Even though the vaccines may help in controlling the pandemic, but we must be aware that the complete solution is not found yet. People will still need to wear masks, socially distance, wash their hands and avoid large gatherings, especially indoors. And it will take time to vaccinate everyone. Until that happens and until it’s clear how well the vaccines prevent transmission, other safety measures will still be needed.


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